Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life without a microwave oven... good. I thought it was an essential appliance in the kitchen. I never thought I would have to live in a house without one. But then again, it had been there my whole life, so I never really thought about microwave ovens ever not being there.

Since we moved to England almost a year ago, we haven't had one. We didn't get one when we moved here because we were uncertain of whether we would be staying past the year. And stuff, whether getting rid of it, or taking it with you, is a huge hassle. So we have done without it this year. And to be honest, I haven't missed it. I thought we would, but it turns out it isn't quite as necessary as most of us think it is.

When we moved into the house here, there was an electric kettle. And that little device is very handy and definitely made a microwave seem less necessary. What does it do? Boil water, quickly.I hadn't even seen one of these until we moved to England. I think everyone has one here.

Popcorn? We make it on the pan(we used to do that even when we had a microwave)
Ramen? Kettle does it even better. Boil water > add to ramen > let it sit a minute > eat
Warming up food? Use the stove. Really. It isn't that bad.
Oatmeal? Kettle again....
Tea? Kettle!

Was it used for anything else?

So yeah, no microwave + kettle = Don't need a microwave oven.

I don't think I will buy one, even when we have a house. One less appliance to buy...that's a good thing.


  1. yup, those electric kettles are pretty awesome!

  2. TEA KETTLE! xD you should bring that with you haha

  3. Are those the annoying ones that make a screeching noise when the water is boiling?

  4. @Baudy - I am totally getting one. Too big to bring it over though.
    @Sergio - haha no, those are the stove kettles. The electric ones don't do that.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Chuy,

    This is Karla and I read this blog earlier today, and true. It is a good thing getting rid of the microwave or at least minimizing its use. I came across to a journal article weeks ago, and it mentioned that the molecular structure of microwave-cooked food was altered in ways that caused abnormal changes in human blood and immune system. Also, microwaved foods caused higher cholesterol levels than the same foods prepared using traditional cooking methods.

    So, saucepan to the rescue! It may take couple extra minutes but it is worth it for the better taste of your food and not altering it with radiation which could lead to some health problems on the long run.
