Last week on Wednesday I had the chance to work from home. It was sort of by accident that I was able to work from home. For some reason, at work they are obsessed with making us come into the office when we could all do our jobs just fine from home. And I had just been "issued" a laptop also, kinda. I had to work the weekend of the 5th and 6th, and I asked if I could work from downtown(<2mi away) because I didn't want to go all the way out to the tech center(~12mi away) if I didn't have to(its an hour each way by bus). So she lent me or issued me a laptop(she didn't specify, and I was supposed to have one anyway, since I work Sunday nights every week from home). But recently, due to a scheduling mishap, 2 out of 3 of the Financial techs were gonna be off on the same day. So my sup decided to ask me if I could work that day(I had it off because I worked the previous weekend), get Friday off instead, AND I could work it from home. So that was a no-brainer. I work from home every Sunday night for on-call, but its a little different since its at night, and I don't have to be in front of the PC all night(they call a company cell phone when they need me).
So I worked from home that day....and wow!! Its everything I thought it could be, and more! I had heard people say working from home is so great and bla bla bla, but NOW I see what they mean. I get up everyday at 5:45 to be at work by 7:30am. I get out at 4:30pm, but sometimes I am not able to get home till like 5ish, even 6 sometimes if the bus decides to take forever to show up. And that day, I got up at 7:15am!! and when I was done for the day, I was home!! Not to mention I got to have lunch with Geli and Sophie!! No time wasted on commute, waiting for the bus, or in traffic(I carpool with Matt most of the time), and I got more was just awesome!!!
Now, one of my goals is to get a job I can do from home! I don't get why a company wouldn't want us to work from home, at least during the winter. During really bad snow, lots of people are late, or even miss work. If we are home we are not using their electricity, we are not late, we are happier to not have to commute, etc...
In conclusion, working from home is THE BEST!!!!!!!! I highly recommend it.